Exclusive Brand MagnaTrack™

Quinte Smart Homes is an authorized dealer of the Canadian Patent (#3067799) MagnaTrack™ that allows commercial and residential clients to seal and extend their outdoor living space in comfort and style. Frustration-free and professionally measured and installed for any lifestyle and space.

Motorized Outdoor Shades with MangaTrack

Exterior shades are outdoor shading solutions that provide shade, protection, and privacy to spaces such as patios, decks, balconies and porches. They’re designed to suit a range of architectural styles and personal preferences and can be made from various materials. The Quinte region has a unique range of weather, from high winds, hot summer days to frigid winters. Interior shades reduce energy bills, while exterior shades allow you to sit outside without experiencing annoying bugs, harsh winds, cold rain and hot damaging sun.

Built to Last

The patented self-tensioning magnets ensures the screens can support strong wind, debris and anything in between. No more excessive repair calls with these retractable screens because they auto correct themselves if they become dislodged, saving you both time and money spent on service technician fees.

Strong Enough for a Hurricane

Managing up to 120 kph wind speeds, the sidetrack rails are strong enough to protect your furniture or full body impact. In this video, the shades outlast a 25+ year old oak tree and roof shingle damage during a hurricane.

Dimensions, pricing and FAQ

Download the MagnaTrack™ Fact Sheet


Make Your Home a Quinte Smart Home

From the backyard to restaurant patios, extend your outdoor seating and space with outdoor shades.